
The OG! Eb is a guy with an eyeball for a head and a matching 2-toned shirt. He lives with his step-brother Snake, and the two adventure for cash in their day-to-day life. With a shortsword as his weapon of choice, Eb can kick ass if he needs to, but overall he keeps things laid-back and cool.


Note: this a super quick summary of his origin that I sent over discord ages ago. The plot is the same, but it sounds like, yknow, a discord message.

SO there was this wizard right? He came across this book with a bunch of spells and rituals and shit, but there were no names or descriptions to what they did, so he was like "fuck it, I'm gonna do all of these and write it all down". So he gets started, does a few of them with varying results, and then he does a spell that just, creates Eb, as a baby.

Now this wizard is like "what what do I do with you" and after holding onto him for a day figures out Eb sustains on just water, applied often through out the day. However, the wizard wasn't going to keep doing this, so he just dropped his ass off at an adoption center. While doing the paper work he realizes he has to put in a name (which he hadn't done at all at this point) so he's like "uh uh uh, Eb yeah sure".

After a few years in this center, Eb is now 3 or so and gets adopted into Snake's family, because they

  1. wanted Snake to have a sibling
  2. wanted to do something nice, and
  3. they thought Eb was adorable

So, yeah, they all live as a family (this explains why Eb and Snake are so close). When Eb was 12, Snake's parents decided to tell him he was adopted and he was like "that's uh, kinda obvious lol" and the parents were like "mk then".

Guardian Form

What's a Guardian Form? This character has the ability to change into a Guardian; a powerful version of themselves that is usually about twice their normal height. This usually comes with a suite of abilities that they must discover how to use. The character can enter their Guardian form once a day for about 15 minutes, and they cannot exit earlier.

Eb's Guardian form can summon up to two large laser buster swords. With them, he can of course use them like swords, but also swipe them to make projectile slices and just plain throw them like a boomerang. Also, his pupil can glow. I don't know if this should be on command or in relation to summoning/attacks but it definitely can.
